From Stage and Screen

Mira as Cassandra 'Cassandra' in the Croatian National Theater In Rijeka: the show deserves a round trip around the countries of the former state, so that our nations can face the problem that is born again, but also with one actress and one director that many wanted to remove from collective memory.

In 2002, despite vowing to never go back to Croatia Mira Furlan returned to play the lead role in Medea. “Being back in Croatia was extremely exciting but also extremely hard. The pressure was enormous. The onslaught of the media on me was relentless. It was hard to focus on work with all that madness going on around me. Every word I dared to utter got misinterpreted, drawn out of context, used and misused.”

Mira Furlan as Ambassador Delenn in Babylon 5 "Delenn is a wonderful creation, a woman who must be a leader and must be strong, but who is also full of emotion and secrets," Furlan says. "She is in a relationship with Capt. Sheridan (Bruce Boxleitner), but we never know, day to day, how that relationship will develop."

Mira Furlan as Danielle in Lost. Recently, an actor acquaintance praised my work as Rousseau. He said that women usually play "tough" as tough and that I do the opposite. I really try to play the soft, vulnerable, sensitive, despaired side of Rousseau, instead of playing the rough, tough, survivalist, obvious side of the character. And that's what makes it interesting for me as an actor. And, hopefully, for the audience as well.